art of inclusion 

art of inclusion bringt Institutionen aus verschiedenen europäischen Regionen zusammen, die in ihrer pädagogischen und / oder künstlerischen Arbeit mit unterschiedlichen Mitteln mit Geflüchteten und Migrant*innen arbeiten und sich über komplementäre künstlerische Angebote (Theater, Foto, Film, Literatur, Tanz, Malerei, Musik usw.). Ziel ist es, die aktive Inklusion von Flüchtlingen und Migrant*innen zu verbessern, indem künstlerische Begegnungen und Austauschmöglichkeiten mit der lokalen Community auf Augenhöhe angeboten werden, was die Aufnahme der Sprache und Kultur der Aufnahmegesellschaft unterstützt und umgekehrt. Das Projekt richtet sich an Erwachsenenbildner*innen, Migrant*innen und Flüchtlinge sowie an Künstler*innen aus verschiedenen Bereichen und den jeweiligen lokalen Communities. art of inclusion wird aus Mitteln der Europäischen Union (Erasmus+ Programm, Strategische Partnerschaften in der Erwachsenenbildung 2018-2021) finanziert. 

art of inclusion is bringing together adult learning institutions from different European regions who are working with refugees and migrants in their pedagogical work with different means and who are interested to develop offerings (theatre, photo, film, literature, dance, painting, music etc.) to improve the active inclusion of refugees and migrants and to provide state-of-the-art meeting opportunities with the entire local community on eye level. The overall aim is to improve the exchange on socially important dialogue about different cultures, European and other values with the means oft arts. 

The art of inclusion project is funded by the European Comission, Erasmus+ Proramme (Strategic Partnerships in Adult Education, 2018-2021).

Projektveröffentlichungen / Project publications

EPALE Blog "art of inclusion: Participatory action and communication at eye level in working with refugees and migrants" (in several languages)  

A cooperation between the Bildungslabor as coordinator of the art of inclusion project with the Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus-Senftenberg (btu) made it possible to evaluate the activities of the project during the process with the help of master students. The external evaluation was financed from the Bildungslabor and the btu. A summary of interim evaluation outcomes was published on EPALE in English, German and Italian language:

Erasmus+ Tagebuch 2020 / Erasmus+ Diary 2020 Künstlerische Arbeit als Bildungsarbeit / Artistic work as educational work 
Giving people a voice, initiating conversations about their life situation, empowering them, that was the work we got to know at Vox Populi. Edith Draxl from uniT wrote an Erasmus+ diary about this, which was awarded during the Erasmus+ Awards 2020 in Austria. - Menschen eine Stimme geben, Gespräche über deren Lebenssituation anstoßen, sie zu bestärken, das war die Arbeit, die wir bei Vox Populi kennengelernt haben. Edith Draxl von uniT hat dazu ein Erasmus+ Tagebuch geschrieben, das während der Verleihung der Erasmus+ Awards 2020 in Österreich ausgezeichnet wurde. 
Zum Tagebuch / to the diary (in German language):

art of inclusion workshop in Graz / Austria: presentation with film scenes 

The workshop in Graz in December 2018 was intended to foster dialogue between young refugees from the Graz region and other local inhabitants about daily life issues. It was organized by the Austrian project partner uniT in the Theater am Lend. 

art of inclusion workshop in Skopje / North Macedonia: documentation (PDF)

In May 2019, Eco-Logic organized a workshop for refugees living in a camp near the North Macedonian/Serbian border. Being confronted with the particular difficulties of the people staying in the camp, the workshop was initially considered a failure, as many of the agreed parameters for an eye-level communication (motivation, atmosphere, transparency) could not be reached to a sufficient degree. However, in the course of the joint review process, the project participants no longer regarded this as a failed attempt, but as a stumbling block with learning potential. This challenged the project partners to be more attentive and empathetic in their future actitvities towards marginalized groups. 



art of inclusion workshop in Sofia: documentation (PDF)

In November 2019, the Bulgarian partner Vox Populi hosted the project participants for a two day workshop, where elements of storytelling were combined with artistic expression through music and visual arts / collage techniques. A special highlight was an evening theatre show of a play produced by Vox Populi basing on a documentary theatre approach.

art of inclusion workshop in Rennes / France: picture slide show

In January 2020, the project partners participated in a workshop of international students in Rennes / France to learn to play Javanese gamelan insruments and how to combine it with storytelling of migrants. The stories were taken from the Encyclopedia of Migrants co-produced by the French partner L'Âge de la tortue. After the workshop the art of inclusion group had the opportunity to visit the cultural centre "Le Champs Libres" where the Encyclopedia of Migrants is presented for the public.  Finally, a professionally trained group of students from the University Rennes II performed an evening show with storytelling and gamelan at the sold-out university theatre. 

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Final workshop in Germany

It was intended to hold another project meeting and workshop in Oldenburg / Germany hosted by Bildungslabor e.V. and Werkstattfilm e.V. (, using short films as a means to storytelling and learning a second language. Postponed twice, due to the ongoing pandemic situation the workshop finally had to be cancelled.

Projektpartner / project partners

L'âge de la tortue Rennes / France:

uniT gGmbH Graz / Austria:

Vox Populi Sofia / Bulgaria:

Eco Logic Skopje / North Macedonia:

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Die Unterstützung der Europäischen Kommission für die Erstellung dieser Veröffentlichung stellt keine Billigung des Inhalts dar, welcher nur die Ansichten der Verfasser wiedergibt, und die Kommission kann nicht für eine etwaige Verwendung der darin enthaltenen Informationen haftbar gemacht werden.